
Lovely Ladies

Costco - my safety blanket. The place I go to…well…escape my day to day adversities. Also, home of the VITA-MIX 5200.

If you haven't heard of the VITA-MIX 5200, you probably have a very active social life. But if you have, then you know its pretty much the holy grail of blenders (see price tag below). Did I mention I have one? Yeah, I do. I don't mean to brag (white lie) but after six months of consistently visiting, dreaming and meagerly saving for one - its finally MINE ALL MINE!

The most unfathomable part is, it was a GIFT! I know, insane!!! This year, as a birthday present, these wonderful ladies surprised me with it!!!

Lynnsay- the boss and brains of the operation

Nancy- the one who would sell her organs on the black market before I went without one

Micol- the one I’m going to name a smoothie after

Heidi- the only one brave enough to try my green seaweed drink

Chenoa- the one I'm going to have fun experimenting with

A million times thank you ladies! I look forward to showing my love and admiration to you in the form of liquid amazingness...